Today I will be telling you some history of the first nations.
First nations are the first Canadians but when the Europeans came along they took over the Canada so when you see a white Canadian they are originally from Europe. Very sadly when the British empire came along if your town was over 8000 people they would tell you to get out of your town or work for them like a slave. The children used to go to an Indian reservation boarding school and if you talked your language then you would get 5 lashes on your wrist and a lot of the Indians died at early age because of how they were treated. The school tried to teach the Indians to be Christians because they believed that the Indians were like animals that needed to be trained. Facts about the first nations: First nation does not like to be called Indians now they like to be called first nations. First nations make all their boats and buildings out of wood. A cache pit was where they would store all their food at winter because they could not hunt as the snow was very heavy and they slept in a hut that was built underground. Their clothes were all made out of animal hide and they used the fur to keep warm in winter. They only ate what they needed and would move from place to place.
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Today I will be telling you about our experience at the rodeo. We arrived at the rodeo at 1 O’clock in the afternoon before the rodeo started Mum and Dad went to get some food for us while I played at the park. We then got in our seats were they had a girl about my age sing The Spangled Banner and O Canada while every contestant rode on their horse around the field. The first contest was bare back riding on bucking horses. Trust me never do this as all the young cowboys and cowgirls were limping across the field. Plus, I even got a free hat from the Budweiser lady thanks to Mum and I went to get an ice lolly. They even had another contest called Mutton Busting were they sat 2-4 year old children on to bucking sheep *lol*. After that we went for a swim at the motel I played marco-polo with mum and the I had some down time and read a bit of Tom Gates. We then went to bed after having a spectacular day. Today I’ll be telling you about all the thing I’ve done since last time.
So we went to Niagara where we went to see the falls and the falls were amazing if you did not know Niagara Falls is the biggest waterfall in the world. The falls was a series of waterfalls; some were big some were small. There was one waterfall that they called the horseshoe that was shaped like a horseshoe and it was humongous and the sound was thunderous. Though together the falls was magnificent and wonderful to watch. After an exhausting day we were so pleased to get into bed and relax, we also went into the pool in our motel. The next day we went to Toronto to see the CN Tower which is really tall, the tower is the 7th biggest tower in the world. The tower has a restaurant that goes around it. At the restaurant the food was amazing I had prime beef steak and an ice cream sundae. We then went to our new motel and we all went to the swimming pool and played some games. Today we went to see the ‘Secret Life Of Pets’ and I’m not going to give you any spoilers for the film!!!!!!!! I’ve just had a lovely 2 days. I met a friend called josh we went to the Wasaga beach which was the longest fresh water beach in the world. Me and josh played in the water and we also got an inflatable boat that we used. We went to the beach on both 2 days and it was really fun. Are room at the motel was very good and me and josh played fbi outside and we also played with some Lego and we built a police car. At the motel there were some swings and I pushed josh so fast that the swing nearly broke *lol*. We had to say bye to josh and we got some photos of me and him. But we are going to see josh in India in November. In the few days I ate some lettuce and some hot dogs(never eat my mums lettuce just don’t)but because I did eat my lettuce I got some donuts *yay* and I sheared I with josh.
Were now going to Niagara Falls witch I am very excited about and I will tell you about in the next story. Today I’ll be telling you about our trip to Westport. So we had our first cooked dinner when we came into our motel that was called Westport Station Motel that used to be a train station and then we went to bed.
The next day Mum went to go for a run so when me and Dad woke up Mum was not their *lol* When Mum came back she made me some amazing bagels and then because me and Dad had not seen the town we all headed of into the town. We met a Danish lady who showed us some amazing toys. After that we went to the museum and I interviewed the lady at the museum. Because it was Canada Day we went to go and sing ‘Oh Canada’ at the school which the firemen organized and the veterans led the children on their bicycles around the town. Then I interviewed some more people for my vlog about where they were from. Later on we went to the Canada Day celebration that took place on the beach. I went on the bouncy castle 20 minutes before the biggest rain fall I’ve ever seen in my whole life! While me and Mum sheltered in the pavilion, Dad nearly got swept away holding on to the food tent with other survivors though the tent did not survive. Most people left because of the weather but we did not because we are British. After the storm I met 2 boys called Noah and Darren and we played tag in the water. There was a massive dance off near a live band on a stage. A few hours later we went to see some wonderful fireworks and display was amazing and was so clever. The next day we went to a diner that was next door to the motel and had some pancakes and I had some vanilla butter on it. We then went to a place called Perth and we went into an art gallery that had some really good paintings in it. Today first we had a pic with some motorbikes and took a vid of some people leaving the motel on the motorbikes *wow*. We then went to church in Westport I went to Sunday School the people there were very nice I even met who I had already met. So I haven’t been updating you for 4 days so today I will be writing about my adventures so far. On Friday we went in a taxi to the train station to get to Paddington station on a train then we went on another train to the airport. We waited for a long time then we got on the aeroplane.
When we got on the aeroplane, there were choices of movies, I watched kung fu panda 3. We saw some icebergs. After all of that I got to go in the cockpit and the co-pilot showed us all the controls for the plane. When we landed in Canada, Toronto where we had to find a motel. So we did and we found a motel called the Best Western hotel our bedroom was massive it had 3 bed’s!!! The next day we went to the swimming pool and then we went to the beach where I met some Scottish kids. We then went to an inn that used to be a jail and finally after a long day we went to bed. The day after that we went to the beach where mum got bitten by loads of moseys and I played football with a Brazilian kid then we went swimming for a bit. After that we went to find another motel, the motel was called Hilltop Motel and then had the most amazing dinner at Harveys and then we went to bed. The day after that I played basketball in the morning then at 12:30 we went on a boat ride around 1000 islands which was called 1000 Islands… lol. On the boat there was a band playing and the piano player + singer was so funny also there was a mystery we never solved can you solve it: there was a ship that was sailing across the 1000 islands and all the money and food was in the same place it started but there were no sign of the 8 crew and ever since no one has ever found them… true story. New words I’ve learnt and put in a sentence: 1. compress means pushing something together 2. excavate means to dig something out A lot of things have been going on lately like I've had to say bye to my dogs and my friends and on Wednesday it was my birthday and I got my hair dyed blue. I go a new phone for my birthday, it's a iPhone 5s and I uploaded a youtube vid about dying my hair. I got a lot for likes for that. oh and about my youtube channel I've just hit 15 subs witch is quit a good start. I was quite sad saying bye to patch and Nellie I won't get t see them for 6 months. If you have not seen my youtube channel lolico gaming check out I'll be uploading a lot of vid's about are travels. So now I guess is the time we go on adventures were I'll be updating you on this trip and last always check if we've uploaded another exciting adventure .ENJOY
When I go travelling I was thinking that some places will be pretty scary, say one of the places we're going to don't have lights and when its dark it will be pitch black with lots of spooky animal noises.
I am though extremely excited about getting my hair died blue for the trip. I am really excited about going to Rio de Janeiro! |
FREDHi I'm Fred. I'm the sort of person who goes to music festivals and looks at you-tubers like dantdm. Archives
December 2016
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